Monday, 24 August 2009

My greatest teachers: part 2

Last post I mentioned family who have taught me valuable lessons. I have also been blessed with some very special friends and colleagues who have helped to guide me on life's journey.

I have know T since we were 9 years old. We have been through it all - being best friends as kids, not speaking for a couple of years in our teens, then reconnecting and staying friends ever since. We've shared our thoughts and feelings on first love, parents, siblings, other mates and the meaning of life (not only the Monty Python version!) We have laughed together, toasted each other at our weddings, cried over our break-ups and revelled in the joy of being parents. The reason I value this relationship so much is that I can always rely on T to be honest with me. She tells me exactly what she thinks, but she is always on my side - even when she disagrees with me. From her I have learned the value of loyalty.

I emigrated away from my homeland for a variety of reasons, which meant needing to make new friends. I could never have predicted that S would be as special as T - she is a friend with whom I can share so many things - a love of reading, walking, animals and our children. Although I have known her for a far shorter time, she is my rock - I have learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of nature, cooking for my family and maintaining a sense of wonder at life's endless possiblities.

As far as my career goes, there have been colleagues who have taught me the skills I need as a teacher - planning, being organised, classroom management etc. But none of these has helped me as much as two people - D, a quiet, gentle man who never needs to raise his voice in the classroom - he instils a love of English in his students, and the rest seems effortless! I hope to emulate his wonderful calm manner.

The other special person is CD - her sense of humour has helped me keep the job in perspective - even on our worst days, students seldom suffer or inflict any lasting damage, and we live to teach another day. Without this ability to switch off from time to time, I believe even the most dedicated professional would burn out too quickly. And I hope to teach for a long, long time.

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